
Schoenberg Companies proudly presents:

Sodium Formate

A noncorrosive deicer for snow and ice removal

Sodium Formate is an advanced, environmentally friendly, granulated solid deicing product that is certified to the latest edition of SAE AMS1431E.

For use at airport runways and tarmacs. Certified safe for use around aircrafts. 

Email orders@gosalt.com or call 1-877-846-7258 for more details

Sodium Formate

55 lb Bags
40 count per pallet
2,205 lb Bag
1 count per pallet
Performance Advantages:
  • Lowest working temperature among approved airside solid de-icing products.
  • Lower application rates compared to other solids.
  • Irregularly shaped granules are designed to eliminate bounce and roll so that product stays put.
Performance Advantages:
  • Helps airports meet ecological requirements
  • Does not contain nitrites or triazoles
  • Biodegradable with lower COD and BOD levels

A Chloride Free solution for your investments

Apply to parking decks, bridges, pathways, transload facilities, industrial & commercial complexes, or anywhere corrosion is a concern.

Call Industrial and Deicing Sales!