The Nova Disinfectant is a 1-gallon concentrate that kills Coronavirus. Use 4-6 ounces of Nova to make a gallon of Solution.
The Clobber is a 32oz Spray bottle that comes with the powdered chemical in it ready to kill the Coronavirus . Just add water and wait 30 minutes, and spray.
Clobber & Nova Disinfectant are EPA approved to be used against SARS-CoV-2, the cause of COVID-19 when used in accordance with the manufacturer’s directions.
+ 6 bottles per case
+ 93 cases per pallet
+ 558 bottles per pallet
EPA Registration No. 74986-4
EPA Establishment No. 090569-OH-001
+ 4 bottles per case
+ 48 cases per pallet
+ 192 bottles per pallet
EPA Registration No. 10324-167
To learn of products that meet EPA’s criteria for use against SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, click here.